Botanical name: Citrus junos
Common name: Yuzu
General features: The yuzu is a small, very spiny tree. Its leaves are large, lanceolate and shiny green and give off an intense fragrance. The flowers that appear in spring are single, large and very fragrant. The fruits have a slightly depressed globular shape with an irregular, more or less rough skin, depending on the cultivar, and are greenish-yellow when fully ripe.
Curiosity: It is an ancient natural cross between the Chinese wild mandarin and the ichang papeda, an oriental citrus fruit similar to lemon but smaller and richer in seeds.
Ornamental virtues: The yuzu is enjoying increasing popularity in the kitchens of great chefs around the world, where it is prized above all for its aromatic component, but its success is also expanding in the ornamental sector, thanks to the scent of its flowers, fruits and leaves and for its delicate yet exotic appearance.