Bitter orange
Botanical name: Citrus aurantium
Common name: Bitter orange
General features: The foliage of the bitter orange has an expanded shape, similar to that of a large umbrella. The leaves are fleshy, glossy, with an elliptical-lanceolate shape and a slightly pointed apex. The white flowers are distinguished by their intense fragrance. The fruits are globular with slightly flattened poles and their skin, which is much more wrinkled than that of classic sweet oranges, takes on a warm orange hue when fully ripe.
Curiosity: The bitter orange is also known by other, typically Italian regional names: pomarancio, arancio forte and melangolo, the latter name being of Genovese origin.
Ornamental virtues: The ideal use of bitter orange plants is in city and private gardens and boulevards. It is popular as an outdoor ornamental plant as it withstands low temperatures better than many other citrus fruits.