Bergamot orange
Botanical name: Citrus Bergamia
Common name: Bergamot orange
General features: This evergreen small tree has a straight trunk, greyish bark and slender stems bearing large, dark green, lanceolate, slightly wrinkled leaves. It produces white hermaphrodite flowers with an intense fragrance, which appear in clusters. The fruits vary slightly in appearance and features depending on the cultivar. They can be round and large, with a thick, wrinkled and green skin, small and smooth-skinned, but also pear-shaped.
Curiosity: The name 'bergamot' comes from the word 'begarmundi', which means 'the Lord's pear' in Turkish, due to its similarity to the shape of the bergamot pear.
Ornamental virtues: The plant is much loved by enthusiasts especially for the scent it emanates first with the orange blossoms in spring and then with the fruits, whose essential oils are widely used in cosmetics.